About Us
Forage Lab Australia is the face of CVAS - Cumberland Valley Analytical Services - in Australia. The strength of our testing lies in the data set available through CVAS USA who test hundreds of thousands of samples annually from around the globe, bringing with them an unmatched offering of services and assays.
Our focus as a laboratory is on forage and feed nutritional characterisation for the agriculture industry. We have a wide range of NIR and wet chemistry packages available to suit a large spectrum of feed samples and individual requirements.
Forage Lab Australia also provide Technical Support via a skilled team of professional nutritionists to ensure that clients are provided with a comprehensive laboratory service that meets or exceeds expectations.
Forage Lab Australia is at the forefront of livestock feed analysis with nationwide availability to every agricultural sector in Australia.
Launched in February 2014, Forage Lab Australia is now testing 1000's of samples annually of forage, grain, by-products, water... the list is comprehensive. Our partnership with ACE Laboratories in Bendigo, a specialist animal health laboratory, gives us access to a wide range of pathology and environmental monitoring tests allowing us to provide you with a holistic view of on farm health.
NIR assays are carried out locally in the Bendigo laboratory, while the wet chemistry services are conveniently forwarded to the USA by the lab.
As of today the services include:
• Forage and feed analysis by NIR and wet chemistry
• DCAD via wet chemistry with a 10 day turnaround
• Water analysis
• Mould & yeast culturing and ID
• Mycotoxin evaluation
• Silage fermentation acids
• Fibre digestibility analysis
• Fatty Acid profiling
• Amino Acids
• Manure analysis
• CPM/ CNCPS model ready analysis
• …..plus much more!
The numbers provided on a feed test are far broader than the average test available. For example, CP is not only expressed as a %, but broken down into Soluble, Rumen Degradable, ADICP (an indication of heating ad unavailability) etc just to name a few….giving nutritionists a more truthful guide of how the animal will digest the feed and perform. This enables far more accurate ration design to describe likely production outcomes, which in turn makes economic evaluation and purchasing decisions objective.
Another advantage is the provision of silage fermentation acids. What happened in the bale/stack? Too wet, too dry, too mature, too much oxygen? This gives farmers the ability to monitor silage quality to assist in timing decisions for cutting, baling, compaction requirements etc for the next season. Poorly conserved forage is a big cost to any business, objective assessment of the end product can help growers improve year after year.
Forage lab Australia has shown itself to be an innovative and forward looking organization. It is continually seeking and considering service offerings that will provide clients a better understanding of the feedstuffs they include in their animal production.
Problem solving via Technical Support
Forage Lab Australia prides itself on not only proving accurate, real world information but also technical support via a team of skilled professional nutritionists to help the client trouble shoot any concerns they may have.
Sampling information is provided to ensure reliable, consistent results.
Please don't hesitate to Contact Us if you have any questions!